Chakra Building Improves Aspects of Dementia

Aspects of dementia have shown improvement from 60 days of Standard Scalar Sessions as reported by a client recently.
The Scalar Sight Chakra Balance serves to correct and reverse myriad conditions on account of the fact that the seven Chakras are re-aligned thus resulting in the renewed and accurate distribution of Scalar Energy throughout the body. In short, numerous conditions can be corrected and reversed when Scalar Energy is distributing itself throughout the body.
The term, “Chakra” is derived from the Sanskrit word for “wheel” or “turning.” This is apropos as Chakras are rotating Scalar Energy fields or spinning vortices. It is Scalar Energy that is responsible for assembling and maintaining the seven Chakras of the human body.
Scalar Energy is a double-helix, Phi spiral of Energy that rotates and thus experiences continuous, vortical action. Thus, all Sunlight and starlight is a double-helix, Phi spiral of Scalar Energy that carries instructions or information for the entire universe. Your seven Chakras are being corrected and balanced by the Sunlight and Starlight of the Universe on a continuous basis.
I found the author, Reshma Patel, and her article, Warning Signs Your Chakras Are Out Of Balance and created the chart below. Reshma Patel is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Holistic Healer, a writer and mommy of 2.

Balanced Chakra

Out-of-Balance Chakra

1st or Root Chakra – Sits at the base of your spine, at your tailbone. When this chakra is balanced, you feel supported, a sense of connection and safety to the physical world, and grounded. The lesson of this chakra is self-preservation; we have a right to be here.

Physical imbalances in the root chakra include problems in the legs, feet, rectum, tailbone, immune system, male reproductive parts, and prostate gland. Those with imbalances here are also likely to experience issues of degenerative arthritis, knee pain, sciatica, eating disorders, and constipation.

Emotional imbalances include feelings affecting our basic survival needs: money, shelter, and food; the ability to provide for life’s necessities.

2nd or Sacral Chakra: Located two inches below your navel. When this chakra is balanced, we have an ability to take risks, we are creative, we are committed. We are passionate, sexual and outgoing. The lesson of this chakra is to honor others.

Physical imbalances include sexual and reproductive issues, urinary problems, kidney dysfunctions, hip, pelvis and low back pain.

Emotional imbalances include our commitment to relationships. Our ability to express our emotions. Our ability to have fun, play based on desires, creativity, pleasure, sexuality. Fears of impotence, betrayal, addictions.

3rd or Solar Plexus Chakra: Located three inches above your navel. When this chakra is balanced, we feel self-respect and self-compassion. We feel in control, assertive, confident. The lesson of this chakra is self-acceptance.

Physical imbalances include digestive problems, liver dysfunction, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcers, pancreas and gallbladder issues, colon diseases.

Emotional imbalances include issues of personal power and self-esteem, our inner critic comes out. Fears of rejection, criticism, physical appearances.

4th or Heart Chakra: Located at the heart. When this chakra is balanced we feel joy, gratitude, love, and compassion, forgiveness flows freely, trust is gained. The lesson of this chakra is I Love.

Physical imbalances include asthma, heart disease, lung disease, issues with breasts, lymphatic systems, upper back and shoulder problems, arm and wrist pain.

Emotional imbalances include issues of the heart; over-loving to the point of suffocation, jealousy, abandonment, anger, bitterness. Fear of loneliness.

5th or Throat Chakra: Located at the throat. When this chakra is balanced, we have free flowing of words, expression, communication. We are honest and truthful yet firm. We are good listeners. The lesson of this chakra is to speak up and let your voice be heard.

Physical imbalances include thyroid issues, sore throats, laryngitis, TMJ, ear infections, ulcers, any facial problems (chin, cheek, lips, tongue problems) neck, and shoulder pain.

Emotional imbalances include issues of self-expression through communication, both spoken or written. Fear of no power or choice. No willpower or being out of control.

6th or Third Eye Chakra: Located in the middle of the eyebrows, in the center of the forehead. When this chakra is balanced we feel clear, focused, and can determine between truth and illusion. We are open to receiving wisdom and insight. The lesson of this chakra is to see the big picture.

Physical imbalances include headaches, blurred vision, sinus issues, eyestrain, seizures, hearing loss, hormone function.

Emotional imbalances include issues with moodiness, volatility, and self-reflection; An inability to look at one’s own fears and to learn from others. Day-dream often and live in a world with exaggerated imagination.

7th or Crown Chakra: Located at the top of the head. When this chakra is balanced, we live in the present moment. We have an unshakeable trust in our inner guidance. The lesson of this chakra is to live mindfully.

Physical imbalance includes depression, inability to learn, sensitivity to the light, sound, environment.

Emotional imbalances include issues with self-knowledge and greater power. Imbalances arise from rigid thoughts on religion and spirituality, constant confusion, carry prejudices, “analysis paralysis.” Fear of alienation.

Drawings of the 7 Chakras

Scalar Healing Sessions Bring Out the Best in You

A client and her husband have used the standard scalar sessions for 2 months and report a very positive outcome for the husband’s condition of dementia:

I just wanted to add to the comments I made about Scalar Energy bringing about the best in everyone…my son’s dog, Bugsy, and my husband, Bill.
I’ve noticed over the last month of Bill receiving the energy that he has definitely calmed down. Since I last submitted the initial comments, he has been admitted to a dementia facility after having been in two nursing homes ill-equipped for outbursts and combative behavior. Every night Mr. Hyde’s personality would emerge and while in the hospital in between these nursing home stays, they were administering a pretty heavy drug to control him. Unless he’s turned a corner in his illness, he has become peaceful and calm with no hint of aggression or ‘sundowners’ syndrome as before.
His session is due to end today. I’m going to see if there is any adverse change. I hope not, for his sake and the sake of those around him. I’ll send an update in a week or so to let you know if he’s a changed man. Bugsy, my son’s dog, remained overly affectionate after his sessions so I’m hoping the same will hold true here. Thanks so much for your work, your help and your support. I so appreciate you.


Chakras are Scalar Energy Processing Points

In summation, the Seven Chakras are Scalar Energy processing points in the human body that serve to instruct the soul, mind, emotions and physical body. Thus, balanced and corrected chakras will produce excellent spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health.
Every day, seven days each week over a thirty day period, the Scalar Light Chakra Balance is delivered to our clients. Everyone possesses seven Chakras and the Scalar Light sessions have a profound effect to realign and correct the chakras of the human body. Chakras are composed of scalar energy, thus the scalar light chakra balancing serves to fundamentally address conditions associated with imbalance and disequilibrium of the chakras.

Arthritis Testimonial

Arthritis has been successfully healed with scalar energy. Scalar Energy is a Healing Energy that offers great hope to alleviate suffering from pathogenic diseases, emotional disorders as well as other medical conditions. Below is a testimonial of a person who was successfully treated for Arthritis by way of the Scalar Energy Sessions. Within the span of one month, the Scalar Energy Sessions served to significantly reduce the pain and discomfort associated with Arthritis. A combination of 3 Scalar Light Sessions were administered on a regular basis over the course of a 30-day period that were subsequently responsible for this rapid and lasting relief from Arthritis.

Greetings to everyone reading this and I hope you will find my experiences and testimony here will encourage you to explore this wonderful avenue towards better health and a much more happy and healthier you.
In brief, I was first introduced to Mr. Paladino and his Scalar Energy Healing services through a very good friend of mine who I have known and trusted for many years. Upon her suggestion, I decide to avail myself of the services offered and I must say I am MORE than pleased thus far with the results!
For YEARS, I have suffered with debilitating Arthritis in my neck and shoulders. I’m sure there’s some Fibromyalgia included as well. My multiple numerous visits to the Chiropractor and THOUSANDS of dollars invested over the years have been of great benefit, but have not “fully relieved” myself of these debilitating maladies.
So, with all this in mind, I was more than willing to give the “healing techniques and services” offered by Mr. Paladino to try, and boy am I glad I did!!
In just under a month’s time, I have experienced a DRAMATIC reduction in the stiffness and pain that have plagued me for many years!! Over the course of these sessions I could actually “feel” the effects of them “working” within the affected areas!! What JOY!! What RELIEF!! I simply cannot adequately articulate how TOTALLY PLEASED I am at the results I’ve experienced so far and thus would encourage anyone to look into this manner of treatment for yourself if all other ways and means of “healing” have failed.


Standard Scalar Energy Protocol

  1.  A Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse that disassembles Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi and Protozoans that infect the human body.
  2. A Scalar Light Nutrient Program that assembles Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Phytochemicals, Antioxidants and Fatty Acids inside the human body.
  3. A Scalar Light Chakra Alignment that harmonizes and balances the 7 Chakras of the human body.

Scalar Energy Fundamental

Scalar energy is a fundamental force in nature produced by the Sun in our Solar System as well as the Stars of the Universe. This subtle Energy of the Sun assumes the shape of a double helix and does not weaken over distance or time. Scalar Energy is eternal, divine energy: It is the Life Force of the cosmos.

All physical matter in the Universe receives its geometry from Scalar Energy as this subtle Energy is responsible for assembling the largest galaxy as well as the smallest atom. Scalar Energy brings order to the universe.
Once Scalar Energy is acknowledged and embraced by mankind, it will serve to improve the welfare of the human race. I endeavor to introduce Scalar Energy to mankind as one of them, “greatest creations,” of God the Father. I elicit the help of all of mankind in this divine plan.

15 yr old Maltese Cataracts Gone in 3 Weeks

We received a note from our client that included photos of her 15-yr-old Maltese dog. Her pet had Cataracts for several years and she put him on the Standard Scalar Session 3 weeks ago. See the photos she sent below. The cataracts have reduced!

Review this article from the American Maltese Association about cataracts.

Image of a dog's Cataract Eye

Pet’s Eye before starting the Scalar Light Standard Session

Image of Dog's Eye after a 3 week Scalar Session

Pet Dog’s eye after 3 weeks of using Scalar Light!

Hi Tom,
I thought I would share this with you. You have been treating my 15 year-old Maltese with the Scalar Energy for 3 weeks now. I noticed something very different about his eye’s today.
2 months ago I took this picture of Devon’s eye’s. They have had this Round, Yellow Cloud literally covering his eye. It has been progressing every year. I Looked at him today, the yellow is almost completely gone, his eyes are starting to come back to the way they used to be when he was younger. He has had these yellow clouds covering his eyes for a few years now. This has happened since you started the Scalar Energy on him! This is Amazing! Look how small the Cataracts are? This is the first time I can actually see the color of his eyes. I haven’t been able to see this for years.
Thank you so much!
Many Blessings to you for this Healing Modality from God!



Nanobacteria is an infectious agent that is associated with diverse calcification related medical conditions. Nanobacteria is a general term for either a newly discovered blood-borne microorganism believed to be a bacterium or a calcifying nanoparticle responsible for biomineralization deposits that serve to harden and stiffen human tissue. Nanobacteria are associated with many diverse calcification-related medical conditions and have been shown to infect humans as well as other mammals. Nanobacteria undergo cell division slowly, produce a biofilm, are resistant to heat and form a protective, biogenic calcium shell on their cell envelope.

Conditions Associated with Nanobacteria Infection

1. Atherosclerotic Plaque
2. Kidney Stones
3. Gall Stones
4. Cataracts
5. Scleroderma
6. Brain Aneurysms (calcification in the brain leading to strokes)
7. Ovarian Cysts leading to Cancer
8. Many types of arthritis (calcified deposits in joints and tendons)
9. Breast calcification leading to breast cancer
10. Some forms of psoriasis
11. Prostate calcification leading to prostate cancer
12. Periodontal disease (calcification of dental plaque)
13. Fibromyalgia
14. Fibrous scar tissue
15. Alzheimer’s disease

Dog Pathogenic Cleanse Call to Action

8 Year Herpes Infection Gone

8 years of herpes II infection caused this woman to feel ashamed. The testimonial below is from a woman that was successful after cleanse was used for Herpes Simplex II virus cleanse. After 8 years of infection with Herpes Simplex II virus, the scalar light pathogenic cleanse appears to have negated this woman of Herpes Simplex II viral infection. NOTE:RESULTS NOT TYPICAL

Dear Tom,

It is with great emotion that I share my test results with you. When the herpes virus activated in my vaginal area about 8 years ago, I thought it was the end of my life. STD’s has to be the most taboo subject in our culture keeping us ignorant and silent and feeling ashamed. I had such anticipation and felt quite nervous in obtaining this. But deep down I felt like the sessions I had done with the Scalar Energy you provided had worked at such a deep level.

I also held on to deep faith and prayers for you and your technology that helps save the lives of many individuals living with incurable factors. I am a deep believer in quantum physics and the laws of the Universe. Our human makeup comes from the cosmos and is energized by how we think and feel. I was feeling bouts of shame, recurring shame as a form of self punishment and I believe this activated the herpes. However, my state of mind, could not help me relieve them or eradicate them with the same ease that I manifested them. Finding you on line and this technology gave me hope.

Even though I had a few breakouts throughout, even while doing the Scalar Energy, I never gave having faith that this was the best thing out there.

Now, I have a personal testimony to my outcome and I don’t have to read anyone else’s and think that I wish for that to be me. I have my own to share! Many blessings to you and all those you help.


Pathogenic Cleanse Call to Action

Addressing a Pandemic and the Validity of PCR Testing.

Addressing a pandemic of this magnitude is something many people have not seen in their lifetime. At least, not to this degree. The world health crisis involving the novel (new) strain of the virus has generated many questions to our support desk regarding the nature of this infection and inquiring about our knowledge of treatment options.

First detected in Wuhan, China, 2019-Nov has spread across most countries around the world, including the United States. in addition, s you are quite aware, we are now experiencing a pandemic greater than the 2002 SARS outbreak.  LEARN ABOUT PAST PANDEMICS.


Determining Viral Loads – the PCR Testing Method.


We repeatedly see an undeniably close correlation between the undertaking of a Scalar Light pathogenic cleanse, and the subsequent PCR testing results of NO VIRAL LOAD. Likewise, we remain hopeful that the use of scalar energy technology and the Scalar Light method has provided them a measure of relief that had not been obtained with other methods.

The information below will provide a better understanding of the PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) test. Understanding the information gleaned via a PCR test is the most promising data we can hope to have at this time.

Additionally, the data we receive allows us to validate our process.

Hear this recent success story of a woman who escaped a pandemic. And, her praise of the Scalar Light pathogenic cleanse.


Unsolicited Test Results Are Promising – Especially in a Pandemic.

Allow me to elaborate on how we have acquired test results and what they mean to us. Persons who claim infection with certain viruses such as herpes, Epstein-Barr, and even HIV, have turned to The Scalar Light Standardized sessions for assistance. In particular, the pathogenic cleanse.

Many have heard from others that the services we provide, have had a profound effect on their health.  Testimonials we receive speak volumes to us. Of course, it is this word-of-mouth referral process that has built our reputation.


When it’s Best to Test

After a specified period, typically around the 90 to 120-day mark, the subscriber may choose to seek out their primary care physician to order testing. A physician must order a specific test indicating the absolute absence or presence of the DNA/RNA unique to EACH particular infectious agent.

And, PCR tests are highly regarded due to the clinical validation and significance of the findings, especially as these findings pertain to the presence or absence of a pathogen. Ideally, indicating that someone is or is not infected with the pathogen in question.


Qualitative and Quantitative Determinants in the PCR Test.

Understand, a PCR test is a QUALITATIVE and QUANTITATIVE test. In other words, what is scrutinized represents genetic material indicating the absence or presence of a pathogen.

If present, the exact amount or the “VIRAL LOAD” establishes. Testing that shows NO VIRAL LOAD would indicate the individual is FREE of that pathogen. There is NO genetic material.  No viral load is the best result one could hope for.

 For instance, any person who obtains a NO VIRAL LOAD for HIV means that they are not infected with that virus. It might mean that person cannot transmit that virus to another. Again, without clinical validation, we can only speculate on this outcome.


Unbinding or Transmutation – Functions of Scalar Light Instruments.

Scalar Light instructions tell pathogens to UNbind or release their molecular bonding. Light instructions bind together molecular forms all across our universe.  Likewise, elements linked together create substances. In a similar fashion, timbers and nails that are bound together can build a house.

When you take the nails out, the timbers fall to the ground. Many life forms are quite similar and are only ONE molecule away from becoming a completely different substance. It is in this way all physical matter is formed.

When a molecule is bound to another molecule, it becomes a cell. Also, add a few molecules to a group of cells and it becomes tissue. The binding of tissues becomes organs.

Similarly, A DNA strand perfectly represents how proteins bind. Covalent bonds are the term used to describe this binding. Picture this: Take two individual strands of yarn and wind the ends in opposite directions. These strands will then coil around one another, similar to a strand of DNA. Now, reverse the sequence until they become TWO individual strands.

In so doing, you will have an understanding of how unbinding works.

The Right Time for PCR Testing

Any testing our subscribers initiated came after several months of utilizing Scalar Light sessions. Understand, that we receive these results completely unsolicited. Additionally, we suggest if they were to test – it was best to test at a minimum of 90-120 days.

To be clear, our users supplied all of the test results in our possession by their free will. Many of the subscribers credit their improved health to our work, typically with a note of gratitude.

Test results for several other infectious agents are indicating that what works for one type of infection may be working for all.  Technology like this could be vital when addressing a pandemic. Similarly seen is the consistency of apparent success with other species of germs.

Bacteria, archaea, fungi, and various species of pathogens known to cause harm to the health of humans and animals are likewise unbound. So, our website holds testimonies from those who were infected with EBV, HIV, and even Lyme Disease.


Utilizing Photographs to Identify Pathogens.

The only thing required for a scalar instrument to release the covalent bonds of a germ is an EM photograph of the suspected pathogen in question. A Scalar Light instrument reads the elements which hold together this life form.

When the scalar device is set out of phase or in the “REVERSE” phase, these elements easily unbind. We simply only need a photograph of a pathogen to start this process. Again, their covalent bonds break apart. We have included all known strains of this current threat in our pathogenic cleanse.


Over 400k Species Collected to date!

Understanding the process is simple. We secure electron microscope photographs of microbes, germs, virus bacteria, prions, and amoebas. Scalar Light instruments can interpret and identify the exact species of a microbe by its DNA / RNA present in the photograph.

With this input, a Scalar Light instrument knows to unbind the covalent bonds of that which it identifies. Transmutation simply means to change one form into another form. Or liberate that which binds – UN-COUPLING.

A Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse contains the EM photographs of all known strains as well as the new novel strain of the offender we are currently dealing with. Is Scalar Light an intelligent tool to be utilized during a pandemic?


Past Performance an Indicator of Future Performance?

If the experiences of our subscribers over the last eight years are any indication of successful unbinding, we see no reason why the experiences of users in the future should be any different because the process is always the same.

The only thing that changes is the target. We have now set our targets on THIS new offender as we face a pandemic of epic proportions.


Clean Bill of Health.

Once the RNA of the ANY pathogen is unbound, the infectious agent ceases to exist. If an infectious agent ceases to exist and becomes a collection of individual elements from which it formed, the premise should remain that there is no longer a threat to human health.

So, with this process, pathogens basically “self-destruct.”  While we cannot lay claim to being a cure for any disease, honestly, the results have been eye-opening.  Proponents of Scalar Light direct others to our work – real people with real health challenges.

In their opinion, resolving health issues were correlated with using the Scalar Light process. We encourage clinical trials to support what we believe we are seeing, but no one has stepped up to the plate as of yet.

“Scalar Light is a responsible yet straightforward strategy anyone can employ in conjunction with recommendations by the CDC.”

Coronavirus Symptoms and Information from the CDC.

1) The symptoms of the Coronavirus are high fever, nausea, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, impaired kidney and liver function, pneumonia, and shortness of breath.

2) People do not possess antibodies to fight against the Coronavirus. Our immune system is encountering a new and emerging virus never before faced by the immune system. One where there are no existing antibodies to defend against the novel Coronavirus.

3) Currently, there are no vaccines to elicit an immune response to the Coronavirus, nor are there any anti-viral drugs explicitly designed to fight the Coronavirus.

4) The incubation period for the Coronavirus is 2-14 days. And, this opinion varies among professionals. During this incubation period, symptoms are absent or very mild. Human-to-human transmission takes place unknowingly without the exercise of precautionary measures.


How Contagious is Coronavirus? The RO Number system.

The Ro number, or reproductive number, is a numerical value indicating how contagious an infectious disease is within the general population. The New England Journal of Health assigns a Ro value of 2.2 for the Wuhan coronavirus. What this means is, on average, a person infected with the novel Coronavirus will affect 2.2 other people.

It’s no wonder we are in the grips of a pandemic.

In comparison, the common influenza virus exhibits a Ro value of 1.2-1.5. Additionally, the Ro value is not a biological constant. Actually, several elements factor in the determination. Also, please keep abreast of the spread of the novel Coronavirus and take precautionary measures to avoid contamination.

Read the Testimony of A Model in Milan During the Pandemic.

Hear this models’ story IN HER WORDS – RIGHT HERE.