Borrelia Mylophora Causative Agent of MS

Borrelia Mylophora is suspected by researchers to be a causative agent of MS.

Multiple Sclerosis is a demyelinating disease of the white matter of the central nervous system. Axons are sheathed in Myelin which serves to insulate these nerve fibers of the central nervous system that conduct electrical impulses. The degeneration of the myelin sheath results in the disruption or attenuation of these electrical impulses leading to neurological impairment. Presently, the etiology of Multiple Sclerosis remains ill-defined.

I herein advance the theory that the bacterium, Borrelia Mylophora is one of the causative agents responsible for Multiple Sclerosis as well as other neurodegenerative diseases. Borrelia Myplophora has been identified as an active, pathogenic agent in many cases of Multiple Sclerosis and thus is considered to be associated with this neurodegenerative disease.

Borrelia Mylophora is a cell-wall deficient bacterium that can readily alter its cell wall membrane and subsequently invade human cells and survive therein. Antibiotic treatment of a cell-wall deficient bacterium such as Borrelia Mylophora frequently proves to be inadequate on account of the fact that the lack of a definitive cell wall makes this bacterium insensitive to antibiotic treatments. Specifically, the invasion of Borrelia Mylophora inside the myelin sheath of a nerve has been clearly documented and observed in many patients suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. It is my belief that the invasion of Borrelia Mylophora inside the Myelin Sheath results in 2 deleterious consequences. These consequences are:

(1)    Borrelia mylophora has an affinity for myelin and will subsequently invade the myelin sheath producing scar tissue or sclerosis

(2)     The presence of Borrelia mylophora inside the myelin produces an immune-mediated response in which the immune cells mistakenly attack the myelin tissue that contains the bacterium.

Pathogen Cleanse Disassembles Borrelia Mylophora

In particular, I have developed reverse-phase Scalar Energy instruments that allow me to negate the molecular bonds of pathogens such as, bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoan, and prions. The negation of the molecular bonds of a pathogen will serve to cause any infectious agent to disassemble into smaller, harmless, physical forms. In practice, I have developed a subscription known as the scalar light pathogenic cleanse that observes this fundamental rule. That is, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse subjects a pathogen to the reverse-phase function of scalar energy whereby the molecular bonds of a pathogen will be negated subsequently serving to disassemble that infectious agent. The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse can be utilized to negate the molecular bonds of any pathogen thereby producing palliation for all pathogenic diseases.

Call To Action

On balance, multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory response associated with the production of an abnormal number of antibodies that target an unknown antigen found inside the Myelin Sheath. It is my position that the presence of Borrelia Mylophora inside the Myelin Sheath is one of the antigens that is identified by the immune system thereby producing the immune-mediated response. As a result, the immunoglobulins mistakenly identify and attack the Myelin Sheath which has been invaded and occupied by Borrelia Mylophora. In specific, the immunoglobulins can not differentiate between the pathogen, Borrelia Mylophora which should be attacked, or the myelin sheath which should be left untouched.

Such is the nature of an immune-mediated response in which tissue and organs are targeted by immunoglobulins in which pathogens have invaded and infected. Consequently, many immune-mediated and autoimmune disorders can be attributed to the invasion of pathogens inside tissue and organs that are identified and subsequently mistakenly targeted by immunoglobulins.

The exact cause of Multiple Sclerosis remains unknown as research continues to identify the causes of this neurological condition. Nonetheless, I believe 1 of the contributing factors for many cases of Multiple Sclerosis is the Stealth bacterium, Borrelia Mylophora. In summation, Borrelia Mylophora is capable of both attacking the Myelin Sheath as well as eliciting an immune-mediated response that will result in immunoglobulins mistakenly attacking the Myelin Sheath. To counter these deleterious effects, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse disassembles and eradicates Borrelia Mylophora from the human body thereby either curing or palliating Multiple Sclerosis.


Scalar Energy is a primal force in nature that is responsible for all atomic and molecular bonds and thus ultimately serves to bring order to all physical forms in the universe. In principle, scalar energy acting in an in-phase function will serve to assemble physical matter; whereas, Scalar Energy acting in a reverse-phase function will serve to disassemble physical matter. I have developed Scalar Energy instruments that are capable of both in-phase and reverse-phase functions. Correspondingly, I am able to assemble as well as disassemble physical matter by way of these Scalar Energy instruments.

Pathogenic Cleanse Call to Action

Bartonella Henselae Disassembled via Pathogen Cleanse

Bartonella Henselae is a bacterium that is the causative agent of cat-scratch disease. Lymphadenopathy or swelling of the lymph nodes and fever are the symptoms associated with cat-scratch disease.

Bartonella Henselae is also associated with Lyme disease as the genus of Ixodes ticks serves as a vector for the transmission of the bacterium. Thus, Bartonella Henselae is one of the co-infections associated with Lyme disease. Each scalar light pathogenic cleanse addresses Bartonella Henselae and disassembles this bacterium thus alleviating human as well as animal suffering. As a fundamental force in nature, Scalar Light is capable of disassembling and eradicating any pathogen.


The Scalar Light Pathogen Cleanse disassembles bacteria, viruses, protozoan, and fungi inside the human or animal body. 45,000 potential species of pathogens are targeted to be disassembled by way of the scalar light reverse-phase angle harmonic. Each pathogen species possesses one scalar light harmonic that serves to assemble and maintain the geometry of that infectious agent. Conversely, to broadcast the Scalar Light reverse-phase angle harmonic of a specific pathogen would serve to disassemble or transmute that infectious agent into another physical form, such as an element.

Call To Action

Bartonella Diseases and Conditions

The genus, Bartonella Henselae, can be disassembled via Scalar Light Pathogen Cleanse.
Each Scalar Light Pathogen Cleanses addresses various bacterial species from the genus, Bartonella. Below are some of the diseases and conditions caused by infection from various species of Bartonella.
Each Scalar Light Pathogen Cleanse serves to disassemble the aforementioned species of Bartonella thereby either curing or palliating the associated diseases and conditions. Scalar Light transmutes these species of Bartonella into elements thereby reducing these bacteria into smaller, harmless, physical forms. Once the causative agent of a pathogen disease has been eradicated, the symptoms of the disease either weaken or disappear entirely.

The Genus Bartonella – Disease and Agents

  1. Cat-Scratch disease – Bartonella Henselae
  2.  Peliosis hepatis – Bartonella Henselae
  3.  Endocarditis – Bartonella Elizabethae
  4. Carrion’s disease – Bartonella Bacilliformis
  5. Trench fever – Bartonella quintana
  6. Dermatitis – Bartonella Schoenbuchensis
  7. Lymphadenitis – Bartonella Alsatia
  8. Meningitis – Bartonella Qashoensis
  9. Co-infections of Lyme Disease – various Bartonella species

Scalar light is created by God, the Creator, and thus represents a divine manifestation that is responsible for all spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical activity in the universe. Scalar light serves to connect all prayers, thoughts, emotions and physical forms as the universe is a spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical hologram. Furthermore, Scalar Light is a clean, perfect, and infinite supply of energy that the Sun of our solar system, as well as the stars, will transmit for eternity. In essence, Scalar Light is the divine intelligence of God that serves to bring order to the universe.

Every day, Seven days each week, the Scalar Light Pathogen Cleanse is delivered to our clients to disassemble and eradicate viruses, fungi, bacteria, protozoan, and prions from your body. In total, over 45,000 potential pathogen species were targeted by way of the Scalar Light Pathogen Cleanse. The Scalar Light reverse-phase angle of a pathogen is transmitted into the human body thereby serving as the informational input necessary to disassemble and eradicate that infectious agent. Once a pathogen has been disassembled the infectious agent is reduced into smaller, elemental forms, such as carbon, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, nitrogen, hydrogen, calcium, etc. It is possible to disassemble and eradicate any pathogen by way of the Scalar Light Pathogen Cleanse.

Call To Action

Athletes Foot Solution Using Scalar Energy Sessions

Solution for athlete’s foot occurs when Trichophyton rubrum is disassembled by the Scalar Light Pathogen Cleanse.

Athlete’s foot or ringworm of the foot can be usually attributed to three common fungi: Trichophyton Rubrum, Trichophyton Interdigitale, and Epidermophyton Floccosum. There are other pathogens that can be associated with an athlete’s foot as this condition is not exclusive to any particular fungus. Athletes Foot is medically known as Tinea Pedis and is not restricted to those who participate in sports or physical exercise. Anyone can become infected with Trichophyton RubrumTrichophyton Interdigitale, or Epidermophyton Floccosum as it is estimated that most people will develop Athlete’s Foot at some time in their lives. People can easily become infected with these fungi through direct contact with an infected person or by touching surfaces contaminated with Fungi. Trichophyton Rubrum, Trichophyton interdigitale, and Epidermophyton floccosum typically thrive in warm, moist environments such as showers, spas, swimming pools, and public locker rooms.

The scalar light pathogenic cleanse is able to disassemble Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton Interdigitale as well as Epidermophyton Floccosum. Specifically, Scalar Energy is capable of disassembling the atomic and molecular structure of a Fungus thereby transmuting a specific pathogen into elements such as carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, hydrogen, etc. Once Trichophytonrubrum, Trichophyton interdigitale, and Epidermophyton floccosum have been disassembled into smaller, physical forms, then these fungi cease to exist and thus no longer pose a threat to human health. In short, a scalar energy pathogenic cleanse serves to disassemble the causative agents of an athlete’s foot.

God, the Creator, is the First Cause of all causes and scalar energy is divine energy, the creation of God. The Sun of our solar system as well as the stars of the universe have been appointed by God as the points of origin of scalar energy. All energy in the universe is initially created as scalar energy, which is the predominant form of energy in the universe. In some environments, scalar energy converts into electromagnetic energy, which is imperfect energy. Notwithstanding this fact, scalar energy remains the Life Force of the universe as this energy is omnipresent, eternal, and divine.

Digital Drawing of Athlete's Foot

Scalar Energy is omnipresent as all physical matter is connected by way of scalar energy, hence, all physical matter is capable of instantaneous communication as the universe is a hologram. Scalar Energy is eternal as its signal does not experience entropy, hence, Scalar Energy transcends space and time. Scalar Energy is divine as it is a direct manifestation from God, the Creator.

Scalar Energy is responsible for assembling and maintaining the geometry of all physical matter in the universe. Scalar Energy instructs all physical matter to assemble according to specific atomic and molecular arrangements and subsequently maintains or binds each physical form according to a unique geometry. Succinctly, Scalar Energy brings order out of chaos.

In a similar fashion, scalar energy is responsible for assembling and maintaining pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoan, and prions. Scalar Energy instructs all pathogens to assemble according to specific atomic and molecular arrangements and subsequently maintains or binds each pathogen according to a unique geometry. I have developed a scalar light pathogenic cleanse that serves to disrupt the geometry of a pathogen thereby reducing any infectious agent into smaller, physical forms such as elements.

Mask Fading To Dust

It has long been theorized that a fundamental force exists in nature that is capable of transmuting one physical form into another physical form. Scalar energy is that fundamental force in nature that continuously transmutes physical forms throughout the expanse of the universe. Scalar energy is a double helix, a phase-conjugated waveform that produces implosive, vortical action that easily and effectively rearranges matter. Unlike electricity or magnetism, scalar energy does not experience entropy, hence, all scalar energy transmutations in the universe take place without the loss of energy. Therefore, scalar energy transmutations are ongoing and eternal as this Life Force energy is responsible for assembling and maintaining the geometry of the universe.

The scalar light pathogenic cleanse is a fundamental approach to disassembling and eradicating pathogens that are the underlying cause of pathogenic disease. Ultimately, the scalar light pathogenic cleanse will be acknowledged as the means to disassemble pathogens and subsequently eradicate the underlying cause of all pathogenic infections. Scalar energy allows mankind to have mastery over physical matter and soon mankind will acknowledge and embrace this gift from God, the Creator

400,000 Species of Pathogens Disassembled

Propionibacterium acnes 400,000 species of pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, prions, and protozoan are now disassembled via the scalar light pathogen cleanse. Scalar Energy is capable of disassembling and eradicating pathogens thereby serving as a solution, prevent or palliate pathogenic disease.
It is an established fact that pathogens are the underlying cause of some disease conditions. Additionally, pathogens are either the direct cause or in some way associated with disease conditions.

The Role of Pathogens in Diseases and Medical Conditions

  1. At least 20% of human Cancers are caused by viruses. Some believe this figure to be significantly higher.
  2. The Herpes Simplex virus type 1 has been implicated in having a role in Bipolar disorder.
  3. Helicobacter Pylori, a bacterium, is the cause of some ulcers.
  4. Many autoimmune diseases are triggered initially by pathogenic infection of a specific organ or tissue.
  5. Epilepsy is associated with human Herpesvirus type 6.
  6. Lower back pain is associated with the bacterium Propionibacterium Acnes.
  7. Multiple Sclerosis is associated with the Epstein Barr virus.
  8. Toxoplasma Gondii, a Protozoan, is associated with Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.
  9. Crohn’s disease is associated with the bacterium Mycobacterium Avium Subspecies Paratuberculosis.
  10. Most cases of cervical cancer are caused by various Serovars of the Human Papillomavirus.
  11. Mycobacterium Tuberculosis, a bacterium, is the causative agent of Tuberculosis. On a global basis, approximately 8–9 million people each year are diagnosed with Tuberculosis resulting in approximately 1.5 million deaths annually. Furthermore, it is believed that 2 billion people have a latent infection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.
  12. The fungus, Blastomyces Dermatitidis, is the causative agent of Blastomycosis that produces flu-like symptoms when its spores are inhaled.

Propionibacterium Acnes Bacteria Associated with Lower Back Pain

The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse easily disassembles and eradicates all of these aforementioned pathogens as well as over 400,000 species of pathogens and parasites that cause pathogenic disease or contribute in part to other diseases and medical conditions.

Microscopic view of Pathogens

As a fundamental force in nature, Scalar Energy transmutes the molecular structure of any pathogen thereby causing that infectious agent to cease to exist. Additionally, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse disassembles the endotoxins and exotoxins associated with bacterial infection thereby eliminating the possibility of toxic shock. As a result, there are no adverse side effects associated with the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse as the toxins cease to exist.

Likewise, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse disassembles the mycotoxins associated with fungal infection thereby obviating the possibility of shock or discomfort associated with these poisonous chemical compounds.

In summation, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse disassembles the molecular structure of pathogens and parasites as well as the toxins associated with these infectious agents. As a result, the pathogen, as well as the associated toxins, cease to exist. The absence of a pathogen as well as its associated toxin results in the prevention or palliation of pathogenic disease as well as the obviation of any adverse side effect.

May God grant you excellent health.

Biofilm Does Not Protect Pathogen Against Scalar Energy

Scalar Energy disassembles staphylococcus aureus that forms inside a biofilm.

Many pathogens congregate inside the human body within a biofilm which is a matrix composed of proteins and polysaccharides. Biofilm serves to protect pathogens from being destroyed by antibiotics as the extracellular polymeric substance serves as a barrier to pharmaceutical products.

Notwithstanding, scalar energy is not impeded by any biofilm as this fundamental force in nature can easily transmit through any physical form in nature. Thus, the scalar energy pathogenic cleanse will disassemble any pathogen that is incorporated within a biofilm. In short, nothing impedes scalar energy.

Furthermore, scalar energy is not subject to any physical body in nature as this fundamental source of light can penetrate any object without experiencing entropy. Thus, scalar energy is an eternal source of light that will transmit without any loss of signal over time and space. As a result, the scalar light pathogenic cleanse will always be capable of disassembling any pathogen inside the human body, including pathogens that are part of a biofilm matrix.

The 3 standardized scalar energy sessions, the pathogen cleanse, nutrient program and chakra balance have a universal appeal as everyone can benefit from these subtle, light sessions. Scalar energy is a pure, natural, and beneficial form of energy that originates from the Sun of our solar system as well as the stars of the universe. Thus, the scalar energy session is the identical energy that you receive every moment of your life from sunlight and starlight.

Every day, seven days each week, the scalar light pathogenic cleanse disassembles 400,000 species of infectious agents, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoan. Scalar energy is a fundamental force in nature that is capable of disassembling pathogens into smaller physical forms such as elements.

Standard Scalar Session Call to Action