Solution for athlete’s foot occurs when Trichophyton rubrum is disassembled by the Scalar Light Pathogen Cleanse.

Athlete’s foot or ringworm of the foot can be usually attributed to three common fungi: Trichophyton Rubrum, Trichophyton Interdigitale, and Epidermophyton Floccosum. There are other pathogens that can be associated with an athlete’s foot as this condition is not exclusive to any particular fungus. Athletes Foot is medically known as Tinea Pedis and is not restricted to those who participate in sports or physical exercise. Anyone can become infected with Trichophyton RubrumTrichophyton Interdigitale, or Epidermophyton Floccosum as it is estimated that most people will develop Athlete’s Foot at some time in their lives. People can easily become infected with these fungi through direct contact with an infected person or by touching surfaces contaminated with Fungi. Trichophyton Rubrum, Trichophyton interdigitale, and Epidermophyton floccosum typically thrive in warm, moist environments such as showers, spas, swimming pools, and public locker rooms.

The scalar light pathogenic cleanse is able to disassemble Trichophyton rubrum, Trichophyton Interdigitale as well as Epidermophyton Floccosum. Specifically, Scalar Energy is capable of disassembling the atomic and molecular structure of a Fungus thereby transmuting a specific pathogen into elements such as carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, hydrogen, etc. Once Trichophytonrubrum, Trichophyton interdigitale, and Epidermophyton floccosum have been disassembled into smaller, physical forms, then these fungi cease to exist and thus no longer pose a threat to human health. In short, a scalar energy pathogenic cleanse serves to disassemble the causative agents of an athlete’s foot.

God, the Creator, is the First Cause of all causes and scalar energy is divine energy, the creation of God. The Sun of our solar system as well as the stars of the universe have been appointed by God as the points of origin of scalar energy. All energy in the universe is initially created as scalar energy, which is the predominant form of energy in the universe. In some environments, scalar energy converts into electromagnetic energy, which is imperfect energy. Notwithstanding this fact, scalar energy remains the Life Force of the universe as this energy is omnipresent, eternal, and divine.

Digital Drawing of Athlete's Foot

Scalar Energy is omnipresent as all physical matter is connected by way of scalar energy, hence, all physical matter is capable of instantaneous communication as the universe is a hologram. Scalar Energy is eternal as its signal does not experience entropy, hence, Scalar Energy transcends space and time. Scalar Energy is divine as it is a direct manifestation from God, the Creator.

Scalar Energy is responsible for assembling and maintaining the geometry of all physical matter in the universe. Scalar Energy instructs all physical matter to assemble according to specific atomic and molecular arrangements and subsequently maintains or binds each physical form according to a unique geometry. Succinctly, Scalar Energy brings order out of chaos.

In a similar fashion, scalar energy is responsible for assembling and maintaining pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoan, and prions. Scalar Energy instructs all pathogens to assemble according to specific atomic and molecular arrangements and subsequently maintains or binds each pathogen according to a unique geometry. I have developed a scalar light pathogenic cleanse that serves to disrupt the geometry of a pathogen thereby reducing any infectious agent into smaller, physical forms such as elements.

Mask Fading To Dust

It has long been theorized that a fundamental force exists in nature that is capable of transmuting one physical form into another physical form. Scalar energy is that fundamental force in nature that continuously transmutes physical forms throughout the expanse of the universe. Scalar energy is a double helix, a phase-conjugated waveform that produces implosive, vortical action that easily and effectively rearranges matter. Unlike electricity or magnetism, scalar energy does not experience entropy, hence, all scalar energy transmutations in the universe take place without the loss of energy. Therefore, scalar energy transmutations are ongoing and eternal as this Life Force energy is responsible for assembling and maintaining the geometry of the universe.

The scalar light pathogenic cleanse is a fundamental approach to disassembling and eradicating pathogens that are the underlying cause of pathogenic disease. Ultimately, the scalar light pathogenic cleanse will be acknowledged as the means to disassemble pathogens and subsequently eradicate the underlying cause of all pathogenic infections. Scalar energy allows mankind to have mastery over physical matter and soon mankind will acknowledge and embrace this gift from God, the Creator