Scalar Energy is responsible for assembling and disassembling physical matter in the universe: the universe achieves its geometry from Scalar Energy. In-phase angle Scalar Energy will assemble physical matter; whereas, reverse-phase angle Scalar Energy will disassemble physical matter. Physical matter in the universe is constantly being assembled and disassembled by Scalar Energy. All matter in the universe is assembled from ether and consequently disassembled back into ether. Ether is the medium of the universe, the fundamental substance that composes all matter.
There are two energies in the universe: Electromagnetic Energy and Scalar Energy. All physical phenomenon in the universe can be attributed to either Electromagnetic Energy or Scalar Energy as these two energies have different properties and thus produce different effects.
Scalar Energy is produced by the Sun of our Solar System as well as the stars of the universe. Scalar Energy for millennia has been recognized by different cultures throughout the world under various names such as: Pyramid Energy, Torsion Energy, Prana, Orgone Energy, Etheric Energy, Life Force, Logoital Plasma, Ka, Om, Eloptic Energy, Universal Consciousness, Numen, Creative Strength, Radiant Energy, and Chi. Notwithstanding the recognition that Scalar Energy has achieved over the centuries, this primal force in nature remains poorly understood today.

Vitamin C – Ascorbic Acid

Orange with the Letter C carved out in it

I utilize in-phase angle Scalar Energy to assemble favorable, physical forms that are beneficial to human health. Scalar Energy allows me to assemble Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, Phytochemicals and Fatty Acids inside the human body directly from elements found in the body. For instance, Scalar Energy can be utilized to instruct the elements Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen to subsequently assemble in to the chemical composition, C6H8O6, which is the molecular formula for vitamin C.

I utilize a magnified photograph of vitamin C in conjunction with a scalar energy instrument in order to assemble vitamin C (ascorbic acid) inside the human body. In practice, I place a magnified photograph of vitamin C into a scalar energy instrument and subsequently broadcast that specific in-phase angle harmonic of vitamin C into a person. Scalar energy is an intelligent energy and this informational input will serve to assemble Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen into the molecular form of Vitamin C, C6H8O6. Subsequently, every cell of the human body will receive this informational input of Scalar Energy and thereby assemble vitamin C, thus assuring a well-balanced assimilation of essential nutrients throughout the body.

Streptococcus Pneumonia, TEM

I also utilize reverse-phase angle Scalar Energy to disassemble unfavorable, physical forms that are harmful to human health. Scalar Energy allows me to disassemble Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses, and Protozoan inside the human body, thereby reducing these pathogens to their elemental state. For instance, Scalar Energy can be utilized to disassemble the molecular structure of a pathogen such as Streptococcus Pneumonia, into elements such as Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, etc.
I utilize a magnified photograph of Streptococcus Pneumonia in conjunction with a Scalar Energy instrument in order to disassemble Streptococcus Pneumonia inside the human body. In practice, I place a magnified photograph of Streptococcus Pneumonia into a Scalar Energy instrument and subsequently broadcast that specific reverse-phase angle harmonic of Streptococcus Pneumonia into a person. Accordingly, Scalar Energy will instruct Streptococcus Pneumonia to disassemble into its elemental forms of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, etc. Once Streptococcus Pneumonia has been disassembled and reduced to its elemental components, the causative agent of the infection has been effectively eliminated. Conclusively, the symptoms associated with Streptococcus Pneumonia infection will attenuate over time and disappear altogether in many cases.

Scalar energy is, “one of the greatest creations,” from God the Father and must rightfully be acknowledged and embraced as such. One day soon, Scalar Energy will allow mankind to have mastery over physical matter as he once enjoyed in the Garden of Eden. Please help me to reinstate Scalar Energy, the “Creative Strength,” back to the human race.

Man Walking into God's Eye