Mycotoxins are described as “secondary” metabolites produced by micro-fungi “that are capable of causing disease and death in humans and other animals”.
The word MYCO is related to a “fungus” and the word TOXIN specifically related to that which is produced by an organism. This bears recognition as a significant number of health challenges that people face can be attributed to these metabolites.” Sometimes Mycotoxins themselves causing more harm than the organism which produced them.
Some could say that mycotoxins are not all bad. Mycotoxins or Mycotoxin derivatives have been used as antibiotics however, other have been implicated as Chemical Warfare Agents (Ricin from castor oil plant.)

The Mycotoxins which is most often associated with human and veterinary diseases, including Aflatoxin, (peanuts), Citrinin (on food stored for lengthy periods), Ergot (from Rye), Alkaloids (grasses), Fumonisins (corn), Ochratoxin A (cereals, beer, wine, coffee), and a few others.
Many of these Mycotoxins are toxic to the kidneys but many can cause illness by way of ingestion, inhalation or even through our skin.

Peanut Allergy Culprit Revealed

One very well-known case of a Mycotoxin causing a fatal reaction is with peanuts. The peanut itself is not the allergen. The culprit is Aflatoxin or to be specific “Aspergillus Flavus and A. Parasiticus”.  A sensitive person can become sickened and even die with proximity exposure.

Food Safety A Prudent Strategy

Not all Fungi will produce Mycotoxin with any certainty. Typically, there are certain conditions which favor it. For example, Citrinin will only be produced if food is stored for long periods under certain conditions like those mentioned below.
Bacteria and Fungi grow rapidly between 40 degrees and 140 degrees and can double in “less than 20 minutes” according to the USDA. But caution must be taken even at temperatures over 140 degrees as Mycotoxins are resistant heat.

Staying Safe from Mycotoxins

The message should be that symptoms may not show up right away. Long-term mold exposure, even if it doesn’t cause immediate symptoms, may also lead to:

  • Hair loss
  • Anxiety/confusion/memory loss
  • Unusual sensations / Numbness in hands and feet
  • Stomach pains / Kidney or bladder problems
  • Sensitivity to light / Headache
  • Gaining weight for no reason
  • Muscle cramps / Fatigue or weakness
  • Morning stiffness / Joint Pain
  • Loss of balance
  • Respiratory ailments

Food Offenders

Many people refrain from eating certain foods today for various reasons but whether you avoid Grains/Gluten or abstain from Alcohol or Caffeine, people find out what foods are causing issues by eliminating them.
At the beginning of the article we mentioned some food offenders but it’s important to understand WHY these foods may be of issue. Let’s begin with grains.

Pains from Grains

It is pretty clear that Glyphosate is a challenge to the health of everyone. Even Monsanto has had to admit the detriments to human health. But that aside, here is another reason to really scrutinize eating grains today.
When grains are harvested (including Wheat, Corn and Rye), these crops are heavily sprayed with Pesticides and Fungicides. But organic crops which are not sprayed with these chemicals still have the ability to be subjected to certain conditions in which a fungus could begin to produce its’ Mycotoxin.
So, in these cases, the climate is perfect for this type of toxin to begin to grow. The same scenario exists with other crops as well. Coffee is another crop that is famous for Mycotoxin contamination. Beer, wine or other forms of alcoholic beverages are also susceptible to the fact the crops used to make them may be contaminated.
Even grasses that are grown organically for use in wheat grass or other “green drinks” could become contaminated under the right conditions. And then of course, building materials have the capacity to house many forms of mold and therefore, Mycotoxins.

Protecting your Family – 10 Simple Ways

Ultimately you alone must decide to what extent you wish to protect your family. We can help provide some places to begin looking at. Ultimately you alone must decide to what extent you wish to protect your family. We can help provide some places to begin looking at:

  1. Look for mold/mildew in and around your house
  2. Seek professional removal if found
  3. Remove yourself from contaminated environments
  4. Review your current diet and begin to limit corn, rye, cereals and grasses
  5. Consider the frequency at which you use coffee, alcohol and peanut butter
  6. Drink filtered water and avoid plastic water bottles which harbor germs.
  7. Clean your drinking vessels regularly including the covers
  8. Do a family “Standard Scalar Session program at least twice yearly
  9. Avoid exposure to porous items (paper, clothing, etc.) inside AND outside.
  10. There are some who say using Bentonite Clay, Charcoal, Cholestyramine or other binders may bind internal mycotoxins.

If there was just one food to avoid completely, it could be Corn.

Corn is “universally contaminated” with Fumonisin and other fungal toxins such as Aflatoxin, Zearalenone and Ochratoxin (Council for Agricultural Science and Technology). Below are some offenders not previously mentioned:

  • Barley
  • Sugar cane (ANYTHING containing sugar)
  • Sugar beets (Used in some gluten-free recipes)
  • Cotton

Mold and yeast containing foods:

  • Cheeses: all cheeses but especially moldy cheeses like: Stilton, Buttermilk, Sour Cream and Sour Milk Products
  • Alcoholic drinks: Beer, Wine, Cider, Whiskey, Brandy, Gin and Rum
  • Condiments and vinegar containing foods such as: Mayonnaise, Pickles, Soy Sauce, Mustard, Relishes.

For anyone who may be experiencing the symptoms mentioned in this article, you may find relief with one or all of these tips. When eliminating anything from your diet or environment assure that you give yourself time to learn what is and what is not helping before removing an additional food or food group.
Remember that Scalar Light is a pro-cellular wellness tool for you and your entire family and can help your overall wellness especially in regard to Mycotoxins.
Consult your physician who may be able to test you additionally for any sensitivities or allergies.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. All products, claims, testimonials made about specific products or services on or through this site have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.