All physical objects are connected via Scalar Energy in Universe!

Scalar energy has been recognized for centuries by many cultures throughout the world by the following terms:

1. Prana
2. Chi
3. Life Force
4. Orgone Energy
5. Torsion Energy
6. Etheric Energy
7. Odic Force
8. Eloptic Energy
9. Zero Point Energy
10. Tachyon Energy

Hands holding a ball of Energy

This same Omnipresent Energy is responsible for the consciousness of the universe. Consciousness is Scalar Energy. That is, Cognitive thought, an Idea, Imagination, Sentience, Creativity, Emotion, Inspiration, Deduction, Prayer, Comprehension, Passion, Dream, Premonition, etc. are all examples of Scalar Energy emanations.

For instance, the act of thinking produces an emanation of Scalar Energy that serves as the carrier wave for all thoughts. Cognitive thought is Scalar Energy. Without Scalar Energy, thinking would not be possible. On a grand scale, the consciousness of the entire universe is concatenated by way of Scalar Energy forming a coordinated and living paradigm in the present moment, whereby Scalar Energy is the animating force. God created Scalar Energy in order to interconnect the universal consciousness.

Pursuant to that concept, Scalar Energy is capable of instantaneous velocity as thinking is an instantaneous act. For example, when a person thinks of the distant star, Spica in the constellation Virgo, the instantaneous velocity is experienced as a Scalar Wave already connects both the person and the star.


Illustration of the Virgo Constillation

Although the distance between planet earth and the star, Spica is 260 light-years, nevertheless, a scalar wave pre-exists in connecting both the person thinking of the star and the star, Spica, itself. Therefore, to think of the distant star,

Spica serves to instantaneously communicate a thought from the person to the star by virtue of the fact that a Scalar Wave already exists between the person and the star, Spica.

All Physical Objects in the Universe are Connected Via Scalar Waves

Furthermore, all physical objects in the universe are connected to other objects in the universe by Scalar Waves. This connection of all objects in the universe by way of scalar energy creates a coordinated and living universe in which Scalar Energy transcends space and time.
On a grand scale, all physical objects of the entire universe are concatenated by way of Scalar Energy, likewise forming a coordinated and living paradigm in the present moment, whereby Scalar Energy is the animating force.
God created Scalar Energy in order to interconnect the physical universe.