Derek Amato is an acquired savant who can play the piano with ease and perfection despite the lack of formal training. Derek Amato received the gift of acquired Savant Syndrome. Scalar Energy is capable of broadcasting or transmitting specific talent or knowledge to an individual.

Derek Amato

There are individuals who have experienced the gift of acquired Savant Syndrome by way of Scalar Energy intelligence that is downloaded or imparted upon the human mind. Photographic memory, musical talent, mathematical skill, calendar date calculation, fluency in many languages and artistic ability are some of the super-human capabilities of acquired savants.

These super-human capabilities are downloaded or imparted by way of Scalar Energy and are not dependent upon the effort of the acquired savant.

For instance, Derek Amato at the age of 39 suffered a concussion while diving into a pool. Upon recovery, Derek experienced memory loss as well as the acquired ability to play the piano with ease and perfection. Four days after the accident, Derek visited a friend and felt compelled to play on an electric keyboard in his friend’s make-shift studio. To his astonishment, Derek was able to play the keyboard with ease and perfection, even though he had no particular skill or training for the piano prior to the pool accident. Apparently, the concussion that Derek suffered while diving into the pool served to download or impart the acquired ability to play the piano with great skill.

Scalar Energy is the animating force that allows Derek Amato to play the piano with flawless precision. Derek Amato is an acquired savant who has experienced a Scalar Energy download or Scalar Energy enlightenment that allows him to master the piano with ease and perfection. The acquired gifts that acquired savants have received are all instances of Scalar Energy in operation in the human mind. All human thought, creativity, artistry, memory, imagination, abstraction, deduction, etc. are broadcasts or transmissions of scalar energy. Indubitably, Scalar Energy is the animating force of all enlightenment.

Every day, seven days each week over a thirty day period, the scalar energy chakra balance is delivered to our clients to correct and balance the seven chakras of the body. Scalar Energy is intelligent energy and is capable of broadcasting or transmitting intelligence upon the soul, mind, emotions and physical body.

All thoughts are broadcast or transmission of Scalar Energy. In short, Scalar Energy is the animating force of intelligence. Scalar Energy is the information system of the Universe and without this subtle Life Force Intelligence would not exist.