8 years of herpes II infection caused this woman to feel ashamed. The testimonial below is from a woman that was successful after cleanse was used for Herpes Simplex II virus cleanse. After 8 years of infection with Herpes Simplex II virus, the scalar light pathogenic cleanse appears to have negated this woman of Herpes Simplex II viral infection. NOTE:RESULTS NOT TYPICAL

Dear Tom,

It is with great emotion that I share my test results with you. When the herpes virus activated in my vaginal area about 8 years ago, I thought it was the end of my life. STD’s has to be the most taboo subject in our culture keeping us ignorant and silent and feeling ashamed. I had such anticipation and felt quite nervous in obtaining this. But deep down I felt like the sessions I had done with the Scalar Energy you provided had worked at such a deep level.

I also held on to deep faith and prayers for you and your technology that helps save the lives of many individuals living with incurable factors. I am a deep believer in quantum physics and the laws of the Universe. Our human makeup comes from the cosmos and is energized by how we think and feel. I was feeling bouts of shame, recurring shame as a form of self punishment and I believe this activated the herpes. However, my state of mind, could not help me relieve them or eradicate them with the same ease that I manifested them. Finding you on line and this technology gave me hope.

Even though I had a few breakouts throughout, even while doing the Scalar Energy, I never gave having faith that this was the best thing out there.

Now, I have a personal testimony to my outcome and I don’t have to read anyone else’s and think that I wish for that to be me. I have my own to share! Many blessings to you and all those you help.


Pathogenic Cleanse Call to Action